Results for 'Monalessa P. Barcellos'

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  1.  30
    A goal-oriented framework for ontology reuse.Cássio C. Reginato, Jordana S. Salamon, Gabriel G. Nogueira, Monalessa P. Barcellos, Vítor E. Silva Souza, Maxwell E. Monteiro & Renata Guizzardi - 2022 - Applied ontology 17 (3):365-399.
    Ontologies have been successfully used to assign semantics in the Semantic Web context, to support integration of data from different systems or different sources, and to enable reasoning. However, building ontologies is not a trivial task. Ontology reuse can help in this matter. The search and selection of ontologies to be reused should consider the alignment between their scope and the scope of the ontology being developed. In this paper, we discuss how goal modeling can be helpful in this context (...)
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    Ontologies in human–computer interaction: A systematic literature review.Simone Dornelas Costa, Monalessa Perini Barcellos & Ricardo de Almeida Falbo - 2021 - Applied ontology 16 (4):421-452.
    Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) is a multidisciplinary area that involves a diverse body of knowledge and a complex landscape of concepts, which can lead to semantic problems, hampering communication and knowledge transfer. Ontologies have been successfully used to solve semantics and knowledge-related problems in several domains. This paper presents a systematic literature review that investigated the use of ontologies in the HCI domain. The main goal was to find out how HCI ontologies have been used and developed. 35 ontologies were identified. (...)
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    Ricardo de Almeida Falbo (1964–2020).Giancarlo Guizzardi, João Paulo A. Almeida, Monalessa Perini Barcellos, Renata Silva Souza Guizzardi & Vítor E. Silva Souza - 2020 - Applied ontology 15 (3):241-243.
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    Religião e literatura na crítica a Franz Kafka (Religion and literature in the criticism about Franz Kafka) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012v10n25p157. [REVIEW]Mauro Rocha Baptista - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (25):157-175.
    Partimos dos eixos propostos por José Carlos Barcellos no artigo “Literatura e teologia” para enquadrar a fortuna crítica que se elevou em torno de Franz Kafka quanto à relação entre sua literatura e a temática religiosa. O primeiro eixo lida com a perspectiva de que a literatura se apresente como uma teologia não teórica, nele analisamos a configuração de Kafka como um cabalista de acordo com Scholem. No segundo, sob a ótica de que a teologia está presente na literatura, (...)
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  5. Consciência e Evolução: Uma Análise do Naturalismo Biológico a partir do Debate Adaptacionista.Victor Barcellos, Sergio Farias de Souza Filho & Roberto Horácio Pereira - 2021 - Revista Reflexões 18 (10):183-200.
    The goal of this paper is to assess biological naturalism in light of the adaptationist debate. Searle is famous for explicity pursuing a biological foundation for his theory of consciousness. However, evolutionary biology receives little attention in his work, which results in crucial theoretical confusions over adaptationism. In this paper, we will propose two theses concerning Searle's approach to consciousness in the context of the adaptationist debate. First, Searle's attack on adaptationism only applies to its naive version, failing to touch (...)
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  6. The Blood Ontology: An ontology in the domain of hematology.Almeida Mauricio Barcellos, Proietti Anna Barbara de Freitas Carneiro, Ai Jiye & Barry Smith - 2011 - In Barcellos Almeida Mauricio, Carneiro Proietti Anna Barbara de Freitas, Jiye Ai & Smith Barry, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Biomedical Ontology, Buffalo, NY, July 28-30, 2011 (CEUR 883). pp. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 833).
    Despite the importance of human blood to clinical practice and research, hematology and blood transfusion data remain scattered throughout a range of disparate sources. This lack of systematization concerning the use and definition of terms poses problems for physicians and biomedical professionals. We are introducing here the Blood Ontology, an ongoing initiative designed to serve as a controlled vocabulary for use in organizing information about blood. The paper describes the scope of the Blood Ontology, its stage of development and some (...)
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  7.  16
    O Uso Do Smartphone e a Construção de Sentido.Ana Carolina Kastein Barcellos - 2018 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 29:5-18.
    O objetivo da pesquisa é apresentar embates e discutir perspectivas sobre a atualidade do conceito de indústria cultural para analisar o uso do smartphone e seus derivados e sua relação com a compreensão leitora e a construção de sentido. A questão que norteia a pesquisa é: Após o término da educação básica e diante do uso constante da linguagem imagética presente nos conteúdos acessados pelos smartphones e seus derivados, é possível o sujeito fazer uma leitura, de forma crítica e dialética (...)
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    Consumer attitudes to different pig production systems: a study from mainland China. [REVIEW]Marcia Dutra de Barcellos, Klaus G. Grunert, Yanfeng Zhou, Wim Verbeke, F. J. A. Perez-Cueto & Athanasios Krystallis - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (3):443-455.
    In many countries consumers have shown an increasing interest to the way in which food products are being produced. This study investigates Chinese consumers’ attitudes towards different pig production systems by means of a conjoint analysis. While there has been a range of studies on Western consumers’ attitudes to various forms of food production, little is known about the level of Chinese consumers’ attitudes. A cross-sectional survey was carried out with 472 participants in 6 Chinese cities. Results indicate that Chinese (...)
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    A proposal to evaluate ontology content.Mauricio Barcellos Almeida - 2009 - Applied ontology 4 (3-4):245-265.
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  10.  13
    (En)Terra Brasilis | to Burry Brazil.Daniela Barcellos Amon - 2021 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 3 (1):427-438.
    Ensaio visual acerca do livro de artista (EN)TERRA BRASILIS (2020), de Daniela Amon, que, por meio de um diálogo com a história da arte e da articulação entre linguagem, matéria e símbolo, oferece uma reflexão a respeito da história do Brasil, desde tempos coloniais até os dias atuais, e uma crítica ao manejo da atual crise pandêmica.
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    Questões de Teoria e Metodologia Da História.Cesar Barcellos Guazzelli & Ana Maria de Oliveira Burmester (eds.) - 2000 - Porto Alegre, RS: Editora da Universidade, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.
    Coletânea de vinte textos, elaborados por professores de várias universidades, que analisam, a partir de diferentes ângulos, questões de teoria e metodologia nos cursos de História. A reflexão para pensar a nossa história, o ensino, a historiografia histórica, da 'história total' à 'história em migalhas', o livro didático de história e a história no fim do milênio são temas discutidos na obra.
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  12. Regiões-províncias na Guerra da Tríplice Aliança.Cesar Augusto Barcellos Guazzelli - 2009 - Topoi: Revista de História 10 (19):70-89.
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    O Campo da Psicopedagogia e as Estratégias Pedagógicas Para a Redução Das Dificuldades de Aprendizagem.Simone Barcellos Vieira & Juliane Marschall Morgenstern - 2023 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 16 (31):105-116.
    In this article, some issues related to learning difficulties are addressed based on the question: how does the field of psychopedagogy conceive learning difficulties and what strategies does it propose to reduce them? With the study, we sought to understand how the field of psychopedagogy can contribute to reducing the learning difficulties of children who attend the initial years of basic education. To this end, a qualitative and descriptive study was carried out, with a bibliographic review. It was made a (...)
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  14. Towards a Body Fluids Ontology: A unified application ontology for basic and translational science.Jiye Ai, Mauricio Barcellos Almeida, André Queiroz De Andrade, Alan Ruttenberg, David Tai Wai Wong & Barry Smith - 2011 - Second International Conference on Biomedical Ontology , Buffalo, Ny 833:227-229.
    We describe the rationale for an application ontology covering the domain of human body fluids that is designed to facilitate representation, reuse, sharing and integration of diagnostic, physiological, and biochemical data, We briefly review the Blood Ontology (BLO), Saliva Ontology (SALO) and Kidney and Urinary Pathway Ontology (KUPO) initiatives. We discuss the methods employed in each, and address the project of using them as starting point for a unified body fluids ontology resource. We conclude with a description of how the (...)
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  15.  18
    Rio da Prata, século dezenove: fronteiras espaciais, textuais e ficcionais-doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v18i1.819.Cesar Augusto Barcellos Guazzelli - 2014 - Dialogos 18 (1).
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  16.  23
    A ironia no trabalho fotográfico de Carlos Pasquetti.Claudio Barcellos Jansen Ferreira - 2019 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 1 (2):147-191.
    Este artigo observa o trabalho fotográfico de Carlos Pasquetti (1948) a partir de sua relação com o retrato e a ironia, a qual o percorre na extensão que vai da sua concepção à sua criação. A aproximação com o conceito do retrato se dá pela visão de Galienne e Pierre Francastel na difícil, se possível, tarefa de defini-lo. O conceito de ironia que emprego é a interpretação de Kierkegaard. Elementos não esgotáveis pela abrangência deste artigo, retrato e ironia foram e (...)
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  17.  38
    Consumer attitudes to different pig production systems: a study from mainland China.Athanasios Krystallis, F. Perez-Cueto, Wim Verbeke, Yanfeng Zhou, Klaus Grunert & Marcia Barcellos - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (3):443-455.
    In many countries consumers have shown an increasing interest to the way in which food products are being produced. This study investigates Chinese consumers’ attitudes towards different pig production systems by means of a conjoint analysis. While there has been a range of studies on Western consumers’ attitudes to various forms of food production, little is known about the level of Chinese consumers’ attitudes. A cross-sectional survey was carried out with 472 participants in 6 Chinese cities. Results indicate that Chinese (...)
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  18. Por que somos o nosso cérebro: O Enativismo Posto em Questão.Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira, Sergio Farias de Souza Filho & Victor Machado Barcellos - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46:517-554.
    In this essay we will argue for the following theses: 1- know-how is not a form of practical knowledge devoid of propositional sense; 2- the relationship between each perception and the body itself is metaphysically contingent (organisms and bodies can vary, as can even the spaces they occupy in the same experience vary), 3- it is up to the brain to configure or to shape a physical body (Körper) into a living body (Leib) and not the other way around; 4- (...)
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    Depressão e desesperança: um estudo comparativo entre trabalhadores noturnos e trabalhadores diurnos; Depression and hopelessness: a comparative study between day and night workers.Patrícia Mesquita Goulart & Fernanda Barcellos Serralta - 1999 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 10:25-32.
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  20. Brain Patterns Shaping Embodied Activities of Their Bodily Limbs in Perception and Sá Pereira Roberto horácio, Farias Sérgio & Barcellos Victor - 2023 - Qeios.
    This essay aims to expose the metaphysical underpinnings of enactivism. While enactivism relies heavily on rejecting the traditional mind-body problem by excluding the familiar thought experiments that favor phenomenal dualism, the crucial point that is overlooked is instead the brain-body problem, specifically the crucial interaction between the brain and the bodily limbs in their embodied activities of perception and cognition. If enactivism is correct, differences in sensory experience necessarily entail differences in embodied activity—this is the metaphysical core of enactivism, which (...)
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  21.  19
    Por que somos o nosso cérebro: o enativismo posto em questão.Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira, Sérgio Farias de Souza Filho & Victor Machado Barcellos - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (spe1):517-554.
    In this essay we will argue for the following theses: 1- know-how is not a form of practical knowledge devoid of propositional sense; 2- the relationship between each perception and the body itself is metaphysically contingent. 3- it is up to the brain to configure or to shape a physical body (Körper) into a living body (Leib) and not the other way around; 4- phenomenal externalism of enactivist nature, even in its mild form, is empirically implausible: the correlation between the (...)
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  22.  22
    Efeitos da capacidade de mentalização sobre sintomas psicopatológicos em uma amostra de usuários de um Ambulatório de Saúde Mental no Nordeste do Brasil.Rosilene Pereira da Silva, Aline Alvares Bittencourt, Luan Paris Feijó & Fernanda Barcellos Serralta - 2022 - Aletheia 55 (2):86-99.
    Mentalização é a capacidade do indivíduo de perceber estados mentais próprios ou de outros, ponderando os aspectos implícitos e explícitos da realidade. Função reflexiva refere-se a um conjunto de operações psicológicas necessárias para a mentalização, constituídas por meio do self reflexivo. Ambos os conceitos estão relacionados com diferentes transtornos psicopatológicos. O estudo objetivou investigar a associação entre mentalização e sintomas psiquiátricos, examinando se prejuízos na capacidade de mentalização explicam a severidade de diferentes agrupamentos de sintomas. Trata-se de estudo com abordagem (...)
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  23.  26
    Dos princípios constitucionais: considerações em torno das normas principiológicas da Constituição.George Salomão Leite & Ana Paula de Barcellos (eds.) - 2003 - São Paulo, SP: Malheiros Editores.
    A Constituição Brasileira de 1988, assim como boa parte das Constituições contemporâneas, abriga uma espécie normativa que a doutrina denomina Princípios Constitucionais. Até recentemente, pouca atenção era conferida às normas principiológicas, seja por parte da doutrina e da jurisprudência. Hoje, são elas alvo de acirrados debates no meio acadêmico, mais precisamente no que concerne ao seu grau de eficária e concretização. Os autores trazem, aqui, subsídios para a discussão, procurando encontrar instrumentos e mecanismos aptos a concretizá-los em sua plenitude.
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  24.  29
    (2 other versions)Individuals.P. F. Strawson - 1959 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 14 (2):246-246.
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  25. Identifying reference and truth-values.P. F. Strawson - 1964 - Theoria 30 (2):96-118.
  26.  98
    (2 other versions)Readings in classical Chinese philosophy.P. J. Ivanhoe, Bryan W. Van Norden & Bryan Van Norden (eds.) - 2001 - Indianapolis: Hackett.
    This new edition offers expanded selections from the works of Kongzi, Mengzi, Zhuangzi, and Xunzi ; two new works, the dialogues _Robber Zhi_ and _White Horse_; a concise general introduction; brief introductions to, and selective bibliographies for, each work; and four appendices that shed light on important figures, periods, texts, and terms in Chinese thought.
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    Ultimate truth vis- à- vis stable truth.P. D. Welch - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (1):126-142.
    We show that the set of ultimately true sentences in Hartry Field's Revenge-immune solution model to the semantic paradoxes is recursively isomorphic to the set of stably true sentences obtained in Hans Herzberger's revision sequence starting from the null hypothesis. We further remark that this shows that a substantial subsystem of second-order number theory is needed to establish the semantic values of sentences in Field's relative consistency proof of his theory over the ground model of the standard natural numbers: -CA0 (...)
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    Causes of Behaviour and Explanation in Psychology.P. C. Dodwell - 1960 - Mind 69 (273):1 - 13.
    The author is primarily concerned with the explanation of behavior in regard to (1) the mecanical model, (2) the effects of physical-organic processes on behavior, (3) the lack of understanding between philosophers and psychologists as to sufficient conditions for predicting a behavioral event, (4) conditions leading to expalantions of behavior that could predict behavior exclusive of any antecedent psychological behavior, and (5) variations of the mechanical-model introducing differing sorts of explanation. (staff).
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  29. Scientific realism, the atomic theory, and the catch-all hypothesis: Can we test fundamental theories against all serious alternatives?P. Kyle Stanford - 2009 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 60 (2):253-269.
    Sherri Roush ([2005]) and I ([2001], [2006]) have each argued independently that the most significant challenge to scientific realism arises from our inability to consider the full range of serious alternatives to a given hypothesis we seek to test, but we diverge significantly concerning the range of cases in which this problem becomes acute. Here I argue against Roush's further suggestion that the atomic hypothesis represents a case in which scientific ingenuity has enabled us to overcome the problem, showing how (...)
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  30.  50
    On o-amorphous sets.P. Creed & J. K. Truss - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 101 (2-3):185-226.
    We study a notion of ‘o-amorphous’ which bears the same relationship to ‘o-minimal’ as ‘amorphous’ 191–233) does to ‘strongly minimal’. A linearly ordered set is said to be o-amorphous if its only subsets are finite unions of intervals. This turns out to be a relatively straightforward case, and we can provide a complete ‘classification’, subject to the same provisos as in Truss . The reason is that since o-amorphous is an essentially second-order notion, it corresponds more accurately to 0-categorical o-minimal, (...)
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  31.  97
    On quasi-amorphous sets.P. Creed & J. K. Truss - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (8):581-596.
    A set is said to be amorphous if it is infinite, but cannot be written as the disjoint union of two infinite sets. The possible structures which an amorphous set can carry were discussed in [5]. Here we study an analogous notion at the next level up, that is to say replacing finite/infinite by countable/uncountable, saying that a set is quasi-amorphous if it is uncountable, but is not the disjoint union of two uncountable sets, and every infinite subset has a (...)
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  32.  90
    The flow of time.P. J. Zwart - 1972 - Synthese 24 (1-2):133 - 158.
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  33. In Defence of Objective Bayesianism.P. M. Ainsworth - 2012 - Analysis 72 (4):832-843.
  34. Genetic epistemology and philosophical epistemology.P. J. Loptson & I. W. Kelly - 1984 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 14 (3):377-383.
  35. Characterising subsets of ω1 constructible from a real.P. D. Welch - 1994 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 59 (4):1420 - 1432.
    A small large cardinal upper bound in V for proving when certain subsets of ω 1 (including the universally Baire subsets) are precisely those constructible from a real is given. In the core model we find an exact equivalence in terms of the length of the mouse order; we show that $\forall B \subseteq \omega_1 \lbrack B$ is universally Baire $\Leftrightarrow B \in L\lbrack r \rbrack$ for some real r] is preserved under set-sized forcing extensions if and only if there (...)
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  36. Political obligation and the particularity problem.P. J. Markie - 2009 - Ratio 22 (3):322-337.
    Natural duty theorists of political obligation try to base a moral duty to obey the law on some natural duty, such as the duty to promote justice. Their critics say they confront an insurmountable obstacle in the particularity problem: Since natural duties do not bind us to some persons and institutions more strongly than to others, they cannot support a duty to one particular state or society. I solve the particularity problem, by developing a version of the political obligation thesis, (...)
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  37.  13
    Eastern wisdom and Western thought: a comparative study in the modern philosophy of religion.P. J. Saher - 1969 - London,: Allen & Unwin.
  38. Organic unity revindicated?P. Æ Hutchings - 1965 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 23 (3):323 - 327.
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  39. Wittgenstein on ostensive definition.P. M. S. Hacker - 1975 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 18 (3):267 – 287.
    Wittgenstein's critical and constructive analysis of ostensive definition is examined. Nine fundamental logico?metaphysical errors stemming from misapprehension of ostensive definition are identified, most of which occur in the Tractatus. The Fregean holistic conception of meaning is applied to the special case of ostension. Ostensive definition is one rule among others. It is not unequivocal, it does not link language with reality, nor does it determine its own application. The role of samples in ostensive definition of perceptual properties is analysed, and (...)
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  40. Quotient Fields of a Model of IDelta~0 + Omega~1.P. D. Aquino - 2001 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (3):305-314.
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    (1 other version)Can we diagnose feeble-mindedness in children.P. M. Bachelard - 1931 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):120 – 130.
  42.  19
    Author’s Response: Changes in Institutionalised Education: Is It Time to Rebel and Yell?P. Baron - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (1):115-122.
    Upshot: Time constraints, locked curriculums, strict management, and possible anarchy in the classroom are some of the themes that originated from the commentaries. I argue that these challenges should be viewed holistically in the broader picture. I also question the educator’s role in mitigating these obstacles. My advice: Do it anyway.
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  43. Marksistskiĭ gumanizm i priroda cheloveka: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.P. A. Belousov, V. N. Konstantinov & F. V. Tsann (eds.) - 1984 - Vladimir: Vladimirskiĭ gos. pedagog. in-t im. P.I. Lebedeva-Poli︠a︡nskogo.
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    Eksistensiale verstaan van die Ou Testament: Die teologiese arbeid van Antonius HJ Gunneweg.P. B. Boshoff - 1987 - HTS Theological Studies 43 (3).
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  45. La Physique des hautes pressions.P. W. Bridgman - 1961 - Scientia 55 (96):du Supplém. 142.
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  46. Weak objectification, joint probabilities, and Bell inequalities in quantum mechanics.P. Busch, P. Lahti & P. Mittelstaedt - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (7):949-962.
    The weak objectification of physical properties is shown to yield the same probabilistic implications as strong objectification and can therefore be refuted on the basis of suitable interference experiments. An alternative test of hypothetical objectification statements, as they occur in the EPR experiment, is based on joint probabilities and the ensuing Bell inequalities. Quantum mechanics turns out to be partially compatible with Bell's inequalities even in cases where weak objectification is excluded by interference.
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  47. Filosoficheskie pisʹma k dame.P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev - 2000 - Moskva: Zakharov.
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    Enkele gedagtes oor ’n kerkorde.P. Coertzen - 1992 - HTS Theological Studies 48 (3/4).
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  49. "Il concetto di cultura" a cura di Pietro Rossi.P. P. D. - 1971 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:177.
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    Leibniz 'Vision of Nature'.P. Dowe - 1997 - Metascience 11 (1):204-206.
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